Barford St Michael



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One of the few items to be found wall-mounted inside St Michael's is this Roll of Honour. The names and inscriptions upon it are thus:

The lefthand column:
Austin, Harry
Austin, Horace
Bennett, J.B.
Bennett, H.H.L.
Buckingham, W.M.
Castle, William
Curtis, William
Callow, George
Callow, Frederick
Day, Frank
Gardner, Charles
Gardner, H.
Hawkin, I.
Harley, Harry
Hanks, William
Hudson, Arthur
Jones, William
Murrey, James
Mason, Walter
M cas rie (illegible on original)
Nelson, Harry
Nelson, William
Phillips, William
Perriman, William
Perriman, Jack
Skuce, William
Skuce, George
Skuce, Baden
The middle column:
Smith, Bernard
Smith, Eric
Shaw, Alfred
Shaw, Eustace
Simms, George
Trevor, William
Trevor, Percy
Trevor, George
Tibbetts, Ralph
Tibbetts, Cyril
Tibbetts, Oscar
Tibbetts, Frank
Tibbetts, Ross
Taylor, Arthur
Taylor, Claude M.C.
Tew, James
Willett, Richard
Willett, George
Pargeter, Ernest
Walters, B.
Turner, William
The righthand column:
Those Who Fell
Bennett, F.E.
Bailey, George
Callow, Frank
Callow, Ernest
Phillips, Reginald
Rolls, F. Woolgrove
Skuce, James
Stevens, Albert
Watts, Wallace

Beneath the three columns of the Roll of Honour is this note:

This document is a Copy of the Original upon which it lies. Many of the Names on the original are illegible from the passing of the years, but the Memories of many villagers have restored most. Those details without recall are written in pencil. R Knight Scriptist, October 1990

And at the bottom of the Roll of Honour this is written:

"For King and Country"

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