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This is an unusual yet beautiful window with the figures surrounded by clear glass.

St John the Baptist possesses some glorious windows, and perhaps chief among them is the Becket Window, based on the tradition that Thomas a Becket installed a priest (Wilhelmus) in Penshurst in 1170, shortly before his martyrdom in Canterbury.

The 800th anniversary of the meeting of Thomas a Becket and Wilhelmus, Becket's martyrdom, and of the succeeding centuries of worship in St John the Baptist, were celebrated in 1970 by a summer-long festival in Penshurst. The festival included a pageant, a concert and special services in the church, and a pilgrimage on foot to Canterbury by 32 parishioners who carried the processional cross.

The festival was commemorated by the Becket window which was dedicated by the Lord Bishop of Rochester on Sunday, August 2 1970, and by the building of six houses at Becket's Field, Penshurst. This housing project was the inspiration of the Reverend A. B. Curry, rector of Penshurst 1961-1975, and first chairman of the Becket Trust Housing Association, which he formed with the help of the late T. J. Burrows as honorary secretary.

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Parish church