St George's has a number of interesting monuments. One of these is situated in the churchyard, but if research proves that it belongs to the founder of the church, then it may be moved to the north side of the sanctuary. The monument has the shape of a coffin lid, and has a cross with a canopy within which is carved a human head, and possibly a dog at the foot of the cross.
In the north wall of the nave is a modern cusped tomb recess under which is a priest's coffin lid carved with a foliated head and with a book and chalice.
Beside the east window, seen above in the photograph of St George's chancel, is a monument of the Hon. Robert Tracy of Toddington 1735. There are a number of other tablets to be seen as well.
Under the tower space is a fine and ancient oak chest, built up and iron bound. When the church was the centre of the life of the parish it would have acted as a bank and the repository of all documents which demanded sanctuary and security.