Britwell Salome



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The Old Rectory, located next to St Nicholas, the parish church.

From 1135 to 1154 there was confusion as to who ruled England, Stephen or Matilda (sometimes called Maud). Stephen was the son of William the Conqueror's daughter Adela, and Matilda was the daughter of Henry, William's son, who had been crowned King in 1100.

Upon Henry's death in France in 1135, Matilda set out for England to claim the throne. However, Stephen forestalled her and had himself crowned in December of 1135, and so for 20 years the two claimants and their followers fought each other in battles all over England.

At one time, in 1142, Stephen and his troops besieged Oxford Castle where Matilda was in residence, but she evaded capture and with four companions was lowered by rope from the castle walls and escaped over the frozen river on a snowy December night.

It is believed that Matilda's escape route went through Britwell and that she might well have sought temporary refuge in the castle, the stronghold of a local Baron known to be opposed to Stephen.

In 1148 Matilda finally gave up the struggle and returned to France. Stephen, having agreed that her son Henry Plantagenet should be next in line for the throne, died in 1154 and Henry became King Henry II. He proceeded at once to destroy the castle at Britwell, among others set up without Royal consent, on his way to relieve Wallingford Castle.

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